这里的植物群落与众不同 The flora here is unlike anywhere else in the world.
Next to subtropical species, alpine plants grow in giant form.
Crowning the canopy, rhododendrons, up to 30 metres high.
四五月间 它们将苍翠的山林染成一片嫣红
In April and May, their flowers turn the forests ruby red,
吸引了唯此独有的鸟类 attracting bird species found only here.
空气中丰富的水份供养的寄生植物 增加了枝条的负载
Constant moisture in the air means that the branches are laden with flowering epiphytes,
这些山谷中特有的小太阳鸟 精心护卫着杜鹃花的枝条
fiercely guarded by tiny sunbirds, unique to these valleys.
蜂雀是花蜜的掠食者 远古以来就一直生活在热带地区
Nectar feeders, these are the humming birds of the Old World tropics.
The forests of Gaoligongshan are home to some of China's rarest wildlife.
这是一只雌性红腹角雉 This is a female Temminck's Tragopan.
她有着一位绚丽夺目的雄性追求者 She has a colourful male admirer.
He's hoping to woo her with his peculiar peekaboo display
但她却不想轻易将芳心托付 but she's not about to be rushed.
它多彩的盘状肉髯比羽毛能更好的反射光线 (skin wattle肉髯 此系指颈部皮肤上的附属物)
His colourful skin wattle reflects more light than feathers do.
对雌性来说简直就是黑暗中的霓虹灯 To her, this is like a neon sign.
是行动的时候了 Seeing his chance, the male makes his move.
高黎贡山的森林总是保持着湿润的气候 Constant moisture in the Gaoligongshan forests
这意味着这里终年都出产水果means that throughout the year there are always fruits on the trees.
Such abundance of food encourages a high persity of fruit eaters
仅存于热带地区的“水果派”们 more commonly found in the tropics.
The black giant squirrel is found only in undisturbed rainforest.
体长近一米的大黑松鼠 是世界上体型最大的松鼠之一
At close to a metre in length, it's one of the world's largest squirrels.
The mystery is that these forests are growing well outside the tropics.
要是公正的说 雨林及其间的动物本不该存在于此
By rights, none of this jungle, or its animals, should be here.
这是短尾猕猴 These are bear macaques.
他们通常只生活在热带亚热带的丛林中 They're found only in tropical and sub-tropical jungle.
With a tiny home range of just a few square kilometres,
靠的是全年丰足的水果供给 they depend on the abundant fruit
这种得天独厚的饮食条件 足以媲美热带雨林
that only true rainforests can provide all year round.
对欧洲的植物猎人而言 To the European plant hunters,
these northern rainforests must have seemed a fantastic and mysterious lost world.