还给家人刨洞 and digging burrows for its family.
鼠兔不停地挖洞使空气进入土壤 The pika's constant excavations aerate the soil,
帮助植物生长得更好 which helps the plants to grow.
在短暂的夏天耐寒的草铺满了大地 野花也装饰了大地。
In the short summer,the landscape is carpeted with hardy grasses and decorated with endemic flowers.
在这样原始的环境下 In such a frugal environment,
鼠兔的活动有益于保持食物链的完整 the pika's farming helps to kickstart the food chain.
鼠兔肉很可口但是鼠兔数量太少了 But the pika itself is a very tasty morsel.
它现在的数量勉强能够维持 Its presence has enabled an uneasy relationship to develop
高原上的两大肉食动物... between two of the plateau's most opportunistic predators...
...狐狸和熊 ..the fox and the bear.
西藏的棕熊灰熊的一种近亲 The Tibetan brown bear,a close relative of the grizzly,
试图把鼠兔从洞里挖出来 tries to dig the pikas out of their burrows.
Even hard-frozen soil presents little obstacle to a determined bear.
狡猾的藏狐可绝不放过任何可能的机会 The wily Tibetan fox is quick to spot any opportunity.
要说真正聪明的狡猾的狐狸绝对可以胜任 True to form,the crafty fox claims the prize.
A combination of inaccessibility,and ancient traditions which forbid hunting,
这使得即使在今天 means that in some parts of the plateau,
在高原的一些地方 野生动物都相对没有被打扰
wild animals have remained relatively undisturbed,even today.
但是在那些汽车可以到达的地方 But in those areas which are within reach of motor vehicles,
那些传统的保护已经渐渐被打破 these historical safeguards have been undermined.
这种变化从藏羚羊的身上得到了体现 This change is illustrated in the fortunes of the chiru.
一个世纪以来 上百万的藏羚羊在高原上迁徙 A century ago,millions migrated across the plateau.
不幸的是被称为“沙图什”或者 Unfortunately for the chiru,its fur,known as "shahtoosh",
“羊毛之王”的藏羚羊的毛皮被认为有很高的价值 or "king of wools",is highly prized.
近几十年以来 偷猎者冒险深入荒原 In recent decades,poachers have been able to venture
捕杀了成千上万头藏羚羊 deep into the wilderness,killing thousands of chiru.
但是情况正在逐步好转 However,the situation is improving.
反偷猎法已经生效 所以每年夏天 Anti-poaching laws are now actively enforced so every summer,
female chiru can head to the birthing grounds in relative safety.
在高原上 新出生的藏羚羊容易受到肉食动物的攻击
Out on the plateau,new-born chiru are vulnerable to predators,
所以母藏羚羊必须把他们藏起来保护它们 so the mothers must try to hide and protect them.
The most recent problem faced by the chiru is the new Tibet-Qinghai