使水变得咸了 turning the water salty.
湖中丰富的鱼资源吸引了成千上万的鸬鹚 Rich in fish,its waters attract thousands of cormorants.
西藏的湖泊不仅是野生动物的家园 But it's not just wildlife that values Tibet's lakes and seas.
其间的水也使得人类的生命得以延续 Their life-giving waters are also important to people.
Tibetan religion is a unique mix of Buddhism and much older
古老萨满教的独特的混合体 Shamanic beliefs that were once widespread throughout the region.
This hybrid religion forms the basis of an extraordinary relationship with nature.
在萨满教义中这片土地被赋予了魔力 In Shamanic belief,the land is imbued with magical properties
使之能够帮助与精神世界进行交流 which aid communication with the spirit world.
在这里动物的头骨被装饰起来 岩石也刻上了神圣的曼特拉(传统的颂歌)
Here animal skulls are decorated,and rocks are carved with sacred mantras,
人们认为那些音节拥有精神的力量 groups of syllables that are considered to have spiritual power.
The reciting of the mantras is believed to create a magical sound
在宇宙中回响 that reverberates through the universe.
大地被分别代表了金木水火土五种元素的 The landscape is decorated with multi-coloured flags which
多彩的经幡装饰着 represent the five elements - fire,wood,earth,water and iron.
经幡上印着祷文用以净化空气 安抚神灵
The flags are printed with prayers to purify the air and pacify the gods,
而风会把这些祈祷带向天堂 and the wind blows the prayers to heaven.
The poles on which the prayer flags are mounted are regularly replenished with fresh flags.
而旧的经幡很是珍贵 那些最接近番杆顶部的
The old flags are treasured. Those nearest the top of the pole
经幡更是象征着吉祥如意 所以经幡的争夺可能会很激烈
are the most auspicious,so competition for these can get fierce!
番杆顶部的金顶 The golden dome,which is mounted right at the top of the prayer pole,
是所有物体当中最神圣的 is the most sacred object of all.
至少 一旦它被降下来之后是这样。 Or it will be,once it's retrieved.
The old Shamanic beliefs of Tibet ascribed magical powers to the landscape.
但这里还有的更多可以感知的力量 But there's a far more tangible source of power here
却和魔法没有一丁点关系 which owes nothing at all to magic.
散布于高原上的是滚烫的温泉 Strewn across the plateau are boiling thermal springs,
这是在这里有百万年历史的 the evidence of mighty natural forces
浑厚的自然力量存在的证据 which have been at work over millions of years.
在地下深处巨大的亚洲板块和 Deep below the surface,the vast continental plates
印度板块互相冲击 of Asia and India are crashing into each other.
地下的混乱状态使大量含硫的蒸汽喷薄而出 The turmoil below erupts in clouds of sulphurous steam.