另一只雄性垂涎于它的家眷们 Another male is gearing up to steal his females.
With their rapier-like horns,the males won't risk fighting unless they really have to.
但如果双方都不退让 大战就不可避免。 But if neither backs down,conflict is inevitable.
有时甚至不死不休 Some of these fights end in death.
在雄性抵抗的时候 雌性就在一旁看着。 While the males fence,the females look on.
Injured and weakened by the battle,the loser will be an easy target
食肉动物和食腐动物的目标 for the predators and scavengers that patrol the wilderness.
在这里生存不容许有任何失误 Out here there's little room for mistakes.
从高空俯视着广袤无垠的高原 With a clear view of the endless plateau below,
秃鹫们不会放过任何一个机会 vultures are quick to spot any opportunity.
一头死牦牛吸引了一群秃鹫前来 A dead yak has drawn a crowd.
秃鹫的就餐礼仪并不好 Vultures aren't famous for their table manners.
但在这里秃鹫们却表现的很好 因为广阔的西藏荒原有足够多的大型生物
The vultures do well here,as the vast Tibetan wilderness is home to many large creatures.
Living in herds of up to 200 in the remoter corners of the Tibetan plateau,
wild yaks travel large distances,grazing on the alpine tundra.
依靠着山口和河流 牦牛在这里强大而安全 Strong and secure over mountain passes and rivers,
它们于这个海拔的环境是如此地连为一体 The yak is in its element at altitude
以至于如果他们到达海拔3000米以下 身体就会变得虚弱。
so much so that it gets sick if it goes below 3,000 metres.
牦牛身高2米 体重超过800千克 Standing two metres tall at the shoulder and weighing more
不仅自身强大还很好斗 than 800 kilos,the wild yak is both formidable and aggressive.
但若没有这种看起来吓人的生物 人类就不可能在这里生存。
But without this fearsome creature it's unlikely that humans would have survived up here.
一旦被驯服 牦牛会让人惊异万分 Once domesticated,the yak is an amazing animal,
它为藏民提供运输 providing the Tibetans with transport,
食物做衣物和帐篷的毛还有可以做燃料的粪便 and manure for fuel.
牦牛很受如此器重以至于 It's held in such high regard
人们用它的皮来装饰神圣的经幡番杆 that its fur is even used to decorate the sacred prayer flag poles,
它的脂肪也被用作敬奉神的贡品 and yak butter is used as an offering to the gods.
牦牛甚至还帮助藏民找到了地上的宝藏 The yak has even led the Tibetans to buried treasure.
夏季可以看见有的人贴在草地上 In summer,people can be seen scouring the grassland,
全神贯注地四处搜索 bent over in deep concentration.
这是世界上最奇特的收割方式了 This is the world's weirdest harvest.