几千年前 Thousands of years ago
少林寺的和尚 buddhist monks on sacred shaolin mountain
圣地少室山上的佛教弟子 buddhist monks on sacred Shaolin Mountain
把对野生动物的观察 incorporated their observations of wild creatures
系统化为锻炼的套路 into a system of exercises
来凝神理气 强身健体 to help the flow of energy and build strength
这种从动物中得到启示的艺术形式 This animal-inspired art-form
形成了“功夫” became kung fu
如今 古老的少室山 Today, ancient Shaolin Mountain
功夫的起源地 the place where kung fu began
仍保留着它起初的练武场 remains its prime training center
释延亭是这里的教练 Shi Yanting is a master
全国各地的学生都来此学习 Students from all over the country come here to learn
源于自然的传统知识 the ancient knowledge derived from the natural world
如今的重点 The emphasis today
也许更倾向于强健体魄 is perhaps more on the physical
而不是功夫所蕴含的 rather than the philosophical elements
哲学内涵 that underlie kungfu
但这仍是对功夫意义重大的复兴 but it's a significant re-awakening
这个7岁大的孩子 This seven-year-old
正在练习刚猛的拳法 is perfecting the devastating punch
螳螂拳 of the praying mantis
经过糅合和完善 When combined and perfected
这些动物的招式 these animal forms
如螳螂 such as mantis
猿猴和鹤 monkey and crane
形成了无坚不摧的力量 become an unstoppable force
中国古代哲学认为自然 Ancient Chinese philosophy took nature itself
孕育了大多数的珍奇生物 as the inspiration for its most fabulous creature
富饶的河流也许形成了这里的文明 Fertile rivers may have shaped this civilization
但中国人认为 but the Chinese believed
河流本身则是由一种动物形成和掌管的 that the rivers themselves were formed and controlled
龙 by a dragon
与西方暴虐的龙不同 Unlike the destructive dragon of the west
中国的龙是仁慈行善的 the Chinese dragon was benevolent
受人尊敬 provided it was treated with respect
古代中国人称自己为 The ancient Chinese called themselves
龙的传人 descendants of the dragon
并认识到他们需要和谐地生活在 and knew they needed to live harmoniously
龙的国度中 in the dragon's realm
这种对龙的尊敬 This respect for the dragon
影响到了 has relevance today
如今生活在中国另一条伟大河流 for a remarkable creature which lives around
扬子江的周围稻田中的 the paddy fields of China's other great river
奇特生物 the Yangtze
这种面目吓人的动物 This fearsome-looking beast
就是扬子鳄 is a Chinese alligator
也叫土龙 known as the Muddy Dragon
尽管和传说中的龙有关系 Despite its association with the mythical Chinese dragon
这种爬行动物一直以来却被村民看做是 the reptile has long been regarded by country people
吃鱼的祸害 as a fish-eating pest
并一直被捕杀 and has been persecuted
几乎到了灭绝的边缘 almost to the point of extinction