以至于不敢让它那 to its natural mother
没有抚育经验的父母抚养 who may have little experience of parenthood
熊猫长出牙齿 After initial teething problems
标志着卧龙的人工授精工程 Wolong's artificial insemination program
获得了巨大的成功 has been remarkably successful
2006年 In 2006
保护区哺育了16只大熊猫幼仔 the reserve reared 16 cubs
如今卧龙抚养着更多的熊猫宝宝 and there're now more captive bred pandas at Wolong
他们会被安全地放生到 and can be safely released back
正在缩减的野生环境中去 into the shrinking wild habitat
自然条件下 In nature
大熊猫跟随母亲学习生存技巧 giant pandas learn survival skills from their mother
却很少与其他熊猫接触 but have little contact with other pandas
这些幼年的熊猫社交能力可能很强These youngsters may have exceptional social skills
但对于野外生存却是一无所知 but they wouldn't have a clue how to survive in the wild
他们绝大多数 All the majority
未来会动物园中度过 their future lies in zoos
这样封闭的 While the ultimate value
繁育工程的最终价值尚未定论 of captive breeding projects like this is debatable
但在中国有些地方 there are places in China
在野生环境中保护动物 where animals are being successfully protected
已获得成功 in their wild habitat
在秦岭山顶 Right at the top of the Qinling Mountains
居住着一种珍稀动物 lives a rare and mysterious creature
that has inspired legends as far away as ancient Greece
这就是金羊毛的最初拥有者 The size of a buffalo and with a temper to match
有着水牛般体型和好斗本性的 this is the original owner of the Golden Fleece
秦岭羚牛 the Golden Takin
秦岭羚牛在繁殖季节 Golden takin make their way to the top of the mountains
会向山顶迁徙 for the breeding season
这是雄性向雌性展示他们勇气的机会 It's an opportunity for the males to prove their mettle
他们凶猛而且好斗 They are formidable and aggressive creatures
得胜之后 Now victorious
雄性就可以与雌性亲近 this male will have access to the females
尽管居住于高山之巅 Despite living high on the mountains
秦岭羚牛却曾因肉质鲜美而被捕杀得 golden takin were once hunted to near extinction
几近灭绝 for their meat
为了呼应中国古典法则 In a return to the laws of ancient China
如今政府已经明令禁止偷猎 there is now a government ban on poaching
羚牛也被保护了起来 and the takin is officially protected
很明显 中国对自然的态度 Attitudes towards nature in China
复杂而又深受传统影响 are clearly complex and rooted in tradition
在秦岭有一个传说 And in the Qinling Mountains there is one story
展现了传统的巨大价值与作业 that shows just how valuable these traditions can be
每天早晨 Every morning
一群朱鹮飞离 a flock of crested ibis leave
它们在洋县的村落附近的鸟巢 their roost close to the village of Yangxian
去觅食 in search of food