一般而言 鸟儿的飞离 Traditionally,the birds' departure
标志着农民新一天的开始 marked the start of the farmers' day
朱鹮依靠湿地生活 Crested ibises need wetlands for feeding
而稻田正是觅食的鳝鱼 青蛙和蜗牛的 and rice paddys are the perfect place to hunt for
理想之地 eels, frogs and snails
鸟儿和农民 The birds and farmers
在此已共同生活了几千年 had probably coexisted here for thousands of years
直到20世纪 until the 20th century
在中国的许多地方 when in many parts of China
稻谷被有利可图的小麦取代 rice was replaced by more profitable wheat production
朱鹮的数量锐减 Crested ibis numbers rapidly declined
有一个时期 At one point
甚至认为他们已经灭绝了 they were even believed to be extinct
直到1981年 Then, in 1981
地球上最后7只朱鹮 the last seven crested ibises on Earth
在这里被发现 were found here
中国政府出面 The Chinese government stepped in
着手保护 protecting the rice paddies
朱鹮赖以存活的稻田 so the birds could continue to feed
和周围的树林 and safeguarding neighboring trees
使他们得以繁衍 to enable them to breed
朱鹮被从灭绝的边缘拯救了过来 Rescued from the brink of extinction
如今有500多只 there are now 500 crested ibis
居住在洋县周围 living around Yangxian town
在现代中国 In modern China
保护自然再度受到重视 room is being made for nature once again
但中华大地的美丽之处 But the appreciation of nature in China
isn't confined to impressive animals or colorful birds
山中的美景 Mountain landscapes
也令中国历史上许多的画家 have held a fascination for Chinese artists
和诗人沉醉其中 and poets throughout history
山还具有宗教意义 Mountains also have religious significance
它是连接凡界和天堂的桥梁 as places that linked earth with the heavens
最神圣的山之一 One of the most sacred of all
就是这里——峨眉山 is here at Mount Emei
这个有2000多年的古刹的地方 the site of 2,000-year-old Buddhist temple
中国有世界上最多的佛教徒 China today has the world's largest Buddhist population
这些古老而神圣的地方备受珍视 These old sacred sites are highly cherished
每年有大约200万人来峨眉游玩 nearly 2 million people visit Mount Emei each year
但佛教寺院并不是唯一吸引游人的地方 But the buddhist temples are not the only attraction
峨眉山还是猕猴属中体型最大的 Mountain Emei is home to Tibetan macaques
藏酋猴的家园 the biggest of their kind
Their thick coats enable them to thrive in harsh mountain conditions,
严酷的山野环境 at altitudes up to 3,000 metres.
古代中国人坚信 Ancient Chinese people believe
帮助形似人类的猕猴 that good deeds towards human looking macaques
可以为来世积累福泽 were an investment for eternity.
但对这些远离野生环境的 But for these city dwelling tourists