as its migration is impeded by ever more river dams.
但是不仅中华鲟有这样的境遇 But it isn't just animals like the sturgeon that are in trouble,
整个长江的生态系统都遭到了破坏 the entire Yangtze River ecosystem is being poisoned.
虽然有显耀的清理计划项目 In spite of being the subject of an ambitious clean-up plan,
估计长江是最大的 today the river is reckoned to be the biggest
污染太平洋的单向水源 single source of pollution entering the Pacific Ocean.
坐落于长江入海口的 Situated right at the mouth of its estuary,
崇明岛为迁徙的滨鸟 Chongming Island provides a vital resting and feeding spot
提供了重要的休养生息的地方 for migrating shorebirds,
人们对长江流域的野生动物的态度不断转变 and a place which offers welcome evidence
of changing attitudes towards the Yangtze's beleaguered wildlife.
For centuries these coastal mudflats have attracted hunters,
就像金先生一样 like Mr Jin,
他们不断地改善捕猎技巧 who have honed their trapping skills to perfection
捕获稀有鸟类供上海有钱人食用 to put rare birds on the tables of Shanghai's elite.
40年里金先生一直用一张网 For 40 years Mr Jin has used a net,
简单的诱鸟和一只竹笛 simple decoy birds and a bamboo whistle
来诱惑经过的鸟到他的网里 to lure passing birds towards his nets.
这需要耐心和高超的技巧 It takes both patience and consummate skill.
但是 事情并不总是这样 But all is not as it seems.
像其他许多最好的自然保护者一样 Mr Jin, like many of the best conservationists,
金先生现在由偷猎者变为了看护者 is poacher turned gamekeeper,
使用他捕猎技艺来保护他原先的猎物 using his hunting skills to benefit his old quarry.
在东潭鸟类保护基地里 The staff here at Dongtan Bird Reserve
人们将给这些捕获的鸟测量 带环 称重 will measure, ring and weigh the trapped birds
然后把它们释放 before releasing them unharmed.
由金先生和他的同事们收集的这些信息 The information gathered by Mr Jin and his colleagues
帮助保护了200多个不同的鸟类 helps to protect over 200 different species of birds
这些鸟类每年都要来到这个岛屿 which visit the island each year.
在崇明岛正南端 Just south of Chongming Island
是中国最大的海边城市——上海 lies China's largest coastal city, Shanghai.
Situated on a major migration route for birds as well as river life,
现在它正进行一个更大的侵袭动作 Shanghai is now preparing for an even bigger invasion.
Barges loaded with building materials constantly arrive in the city's docks,
feeding one of the greatest construction booms in the world.
去年 全世界一半的水泥都运往中国的各个城市
Last year, half the world's concrete was poured into China's cities,