all in preparation for the biggest mass migration of people
人口迁移做准备 in the history of the world.
在未来25年里 预计有超过3亿中国人 In the next 25 years, well over 300 million people
将从中国农村迁移到城市 例如上海
are predicted to move from rural China into cities like Shanghai.
从农村到城市的人类迁移 The migration of people from country to city
在全世界各地都可以看到 is being mirrored around the world, and by 2010
到2010年 超过一半的世界人口将成为城市居住者
over half of the world's population will be urban dwellers.
当夜晚来临时 上海就会揭示它的本色 As night falls, Shanghai reveals its true colours.
这是中国最快增长的金融中心 China's fastest-growing financial centre
是这个巨大繁荣的中心 is in the midst of a massive boom.
其人口估计超过2千万 With an estimated population of more than 20 million,
上海无疑是中国最大 Shanghai is officially China's largest
也是最耀眼的城市 and certainly its most dazzling city.
但他的辉煌背后存在着环境代价 But there is an environmental cost.
上海居民使用的电力是 Shanghai residents now use two and a half times more power per head
郊区居民的2.5倍 than their rural cousins.
这个城市近乎贪得无厌的能源需求 The city's seemingly insatiable energy demands
得需要17个电厂来提供满足 currently require the output of 17 power stations.
上海往南 城市灯光逐渐暗淡 South of Shanghai the city lights gradually fade
好象我们进入了一个古老的世界 as we enter an ancient world.
这是福建省 This is Fujian Province,
一个崎岖的地域 a rugged terrain
guarded by sheer granite mountains which have helped to forge and preserve
some of China's most ancient sites and traditional cultures.
Towering above the coast, the 1,400-metre-high Taimu Mountains
是中国人熟识的“海上仙都” are known to the Chinese as "Fairyland on the Sea".
潮湿的海风在寒冷的山顶凝聚 Moist sea breezes condense on the cool mountaintops
并与排水良好的酸性土壤结合 and combine with well-drained acid soils
便形成了完美的种植环境 to produce the perfect growing conditions
适合喜酸性的植物——例如野杜鹃 for acid-loving plants like wild azaleas.
也合适生长山茶 It's also home to camellias, including the most famous of all,
包括最著名的茶树种植 the tea plant.
沿着福建沿海一带的类似种植环境 Similar growing conditions all along the Fujian coast
使得中国茶叶独享其尊 make this the treasure chest for China's tea,
其茶产业远可源自4000多年前 the heart of an industry dating back almost 4,000 years.
这个地区最传统的茶树栽培文化 One of the most traditional tea-growing cultures in the area
当数这里的客家人沿袭的 is that of the Kejia people.